Why join us for a research study? It’s a good time!
Don’t take our word for it, see for yourself. According to former participants, our research studies are a real hoot!
“”Thank you for the experience because we probably would’ve done this for free!””
“”Hi Hootology Team! Just wanted to thank you guys for an awesome time and opportunity. It was fun, I hope everything turned out the way you all anticipated. Have a happy holiday season. Cheers!” ”
“”It was definitely fun and entertaining. Um, I didn’t expect it to be, it was better than what I expected it to be.””
““I was right on time, five minutes early & it was a great experience, something I’ve actually never done before. It was cool getting a chance to read other peoples thoughts and suggestions, thank you so much for allowing me to participate. And I hope that I will be on the list for the next online event ☺️.””
““Thank you for the Amazon.com Gift Card! I had fun!! Hope however the information is applied, that I was helpful. — Nice””
““Thank you for the Amazon.com Gift Card and for walking me through all my mishaps with the scheduling! This survey and the way it was administered was so much fun! I hope you got some great feedback! I’m going to buy my husband his Father’s Day gift with this! Have a great remainder of the week!””
““Thank you for the Amazon.com Gift Card! It was a fun project to participate in and it made me want to go to a game soon!””
““I did now redeem my Amazon gift card. Thank you so very much! I did have fun participating and appreciate the offer to have been a part of it .””
“”Thank you for including me in the event yesterday. I really enjoyed the gamification format. I hope you got what you were looking for from the meeting.””
““It was an interesting experience and I hope the data helps in the planning for the new website.”
”I enjoyed the online discussion very much! That was my very first online discussion… it was fast moving with interesting questions. Thanks so much for the opportunity!””
““The discussion was great fun and I enjoyed taking part!!!””
““ And the discussion was extremely enjoyable and relevant to me personally. Time flew by.””
““Thank you again for this opportunity. It was so fun and I enjoyed sharing my opinions.” ”
“”I love this survey. Every time I feel like I have to end quickly, I could not say something, the next question then gives me an opportunity to get into it.””
“”Thank you! I had fun in the focus group and interview. Good luck with the project!””
““I had a lot of fun participating.””
““Fascinating focus group! Wow – fast and furious. Thanks for including me. Really got me thinking. Love the way it ran. Tight show.””
““We really enjoyed this endeavor. If you need anybody else, we’re game. That’s awesome. You’ve got a cool company.””
““Thanks for letting me participate in last evening’s sports survey. It was well organized and hopefully productive.””
“”Honestly, the food was a bonus. Like I didn’t think you guys were going to feed us. I just thought we were going to sit there for a couple of hours.””
“”Great session. Please let everyone know how impressed I was by the organization and process.””
““First of all I would like to say thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to participate in the virtual discussion. I had a great time. I really enjoyed it. And thank you for rewarding the gift card fast. I look forward to any future discussions to participate in. Have a wonderful night!!””
“”Thank you, I really enjoyed participating in this project!””
“”Thank you, Hootology! Last night’s event was fun, very easy and informative. I appreciate the opportunity and would be interested in future events, if you need participants. Three of my four daughters are currently attending local universities and Amazon keeps us all somewhat sane!””
““Thank you, Hootology. The questions were interesting and also it was very interesting to see what other people are thinking!””
“”Thanks so much, Hootology! I really enjoyed the online discussion. I wish it had lasted longer. Have a great night!””
“”Great survey, thanks for the opportunity!””
““I really enjoyed being a part of it 😊 It was fun and I liked being able to see what other people answered.””
“”I enjoyed being a part of the group. It was fast-paced and the questions were good. I think maybe I over-thought some and tried to write too much, especially seeing some of the brief answers.””
“”Thanks again for coordinating all this and I had fun at today’s discussion!””
““I enjoyed the study. It was fast and fun. Thank you for letting me participate.””
“”I really enjoyed talking with such a diverse group of fellow educators; I have several new ideas and appreciations from our conversations.””
“”If you ever have any similar studies in the future, please keep me in mind!””